Holly Endsley


Hello there!

I am so happy to be a member of the Mustang family, both as a teacher and a parent! Our family is so blessed to be surrounded by such a supportive and strong community.

I am starting my 12th year of doing the job that I love so much. We are going to have a lot of fun and learn some exciting and cool things about Science and the great state of Texas this year!

7:50-8:05 Morning Prep

8:05-8:50 ACTIVITY (Teacher conference)

8:55-9:55 Block A

10:00-11:00 Block B

11:05-12:05 Block C

12:05-12:35 Lunch/Recess

12:45-1:45 Block D

1:50-2:35 Intervention

2:40- 3:00 Homeroom

3:05-3:25 Recess

3:30 Dismissal